Click here to get a detailed explanation of the various features of AreaCodeFinder™. When a search is in progress, this button becomes active and lets you halt the search. To halt the search currently in progress, click here. When a search is in progress, this indicates the percentage of the database which has been searched. A complete list of states, territories, and provinces which are contained in the database is displayed here. Highlight any entry and the area codes associated with the state will be displayed in the other window. This is the number of entries currently contained in the database for the selected area code. There is a maximum limit of 700 entries for each area code. This indicates that a search is in progress and is a moving tribute to the artistic capabilities of Eric Calande. This is the area code for the locations being displayed. Area codes, locations, and postal abbreviations are displayed in this window. Use the scroll bar to view entries that cannot be seen. state ?? Enter the area code or location into this area, and then click on the Search button in order to obtain details. To bring the map of North America to the front, click here. The map will contain a flashing symbol indicating the geographical location of the selected city and it’s area code zone. To see a listing of all the states and provinces which have only one area code for the entire state/province, click here. To remove the selected area code or location from the database, click here. Currently unavailable because nothing is selected in the right-hand window. To remove the selected area code or location from the database, click here. Removing an area code will remove all locations associated with that area code. To add a new location or area code to the database, click here. Currently unavailable because there is no state or area code selected. To add a new location or area code to the database, click here. To see a listing of the “official” postal abbreviations for the states and territories, click here. To print the contents of the right-hand scrolling window, click here. Currently unavailable because there is no information in the right-hand window. To print the contents of the right-hand scrolling window, click here. To search the database for the area code associated with the location you have entered, click here. Currently unavailable until something is typed in. To search the database for the area code associated with the location you have entered, click here.